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100K, 1M YouTuber, How different their income?

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100K, 1M YouTuber, How different their income?

Let's explore this through 'vling YouTube Money Calculator' that allows us to analyze YouTubers' revenue!



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Receiving the Silver Button and Gold Button on YouTube, achieved when reaching 100,000 and 1 million subscribers respectively, is a goal many YouTubers aspire to. 

If you operate a YouTube channel, you likely have a desire to achieve these milestones at least once. 

So, how much income can YouTubers with these subscriber counts expect, and what is the difference? 

Let's explore this through 'vling YouTube Money Calculator' that allows us to analyze YouTubers' revenue!

🎮 Game YouTubers Income

Today, I will inform you about the earnings based on the number of subscribers for gaming YouTubers! 

It's Ben-Gun which is 100K YouTube channel, and Aka Animation (1M YouTube channel).

Gaming YouTubers who are currently experiencing a surge in subscribers!

The estimated earnings are calculated using vling's YouTuber Money calculator feature.


Subs: 192,000

Change in subs: +5,386 (Daily Average Growth Rate)

Estimated Revenue Per Mille (RPM): $89

Ben-Gun Channel Subscriber Change Graph in a year

Ben-Gun's channel is experiencing a steady increase in subscribers, and what would be the estimated monthly earnings for the channel?

Ben-Gun Estimated Channel Revenue

According to vling YouTube Money Calculator, 

the estimated monthly earnings for Ben-Gun's channel are approximately $21,704. 

According to the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the average monthly salary in the USA is $6,228.

It's evident that the channel is generating a substantial income!

How much difference is there in the earnings between the 100K channel and the 1M channel?

Now, I'm going to show you the revenue of the 1M channel, which is a gaming YouTube channel. The channel's name is 'Aka Animation'

Aka Animation

Subs: 1,640,000

Change in Subs: +41,000 (Daily Average Growth Rate)

Estimated Revenue Per Mille (RPM): $78

Aka Animation Channel Subscriber Change Graph in a year

Aka Animation's channel is also experiencing steady growth in subscribers over the course of a year. 

While the growth rate may be slightly slower compared to 'Ben-Gun,' which was a smaller channel in terms of scale, it is still an impressive channel!

Aka Animation Estimated Channel Revenue

According to vling YouTube Money Calculator, the earnings for this channel over the past 30 days amount to $430,682, surpassing the average annual salary in the United States, which is $74,738.

His revenue in the last 30 days is almost 6 times higher than US average annual salary..


Let's gather and compare the revenue of their two channels at a glance.

Ben-Gun channel revenue for last 30 days

Aka Animation channel revenue for last 30 days

It makes you want to start a YouTube channel, doesn't it? 

Consider becoming a YouTuber who actively utilizes vling right away.