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[YouTuber Guide] Using 200% of Algorithm Video search.<br />

vling Guide

[YouTuber Guide] Using 200% of Algorithm Video search.

The vling service guide 'YouTuber Guide' will tell you in detail how to use vling as a YouTuber!



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vlingis an essential platform for YouTube.

The vling service guide 'YouTuber Guide' will tell you in detail how to use vling as a YouTuber!

In this episode, I will explain 'using 200% of Algorithm video search' :)

First, what does "Algorithm score" mean? ❓

Algorithm score means "a numerical representation of the degree of the algorithm used in videos selected by the YouTube algorithm, based on vling's patented technology."

it would be advisable to pay attention to videos with a high algorithm score.

Using 200% of Algorithm Video search

1️⃣ Choose the video category (long-form or shorts) in the algorithmic video search.

2️⃣ Enter keywords or video URL and initiate the search.

3️⃣ Refer to the thumbnail, title, and hashtags of videos with a high algorithm score.

✅ The algorithm score is presented on a 5-level scale ranging from

Very low - Low - Average - High - Very high

accompanied by a numerical score!!

If you utilize the thumbnails and titles of videos with high algorithm scores,

your content can also stand out within the algorithm!

📍 Tip 1. If you want more accurate video information, make use of the search option feature!

Algorithm Video Search - Search Filter

Algorithm Video Search - Filter

You can use the Search Options provided by vling to select the country, category, Algorithm score, views, and video type as desired to obtain more accurate video information!

📍Tip 2. Check the view count graph to understand content trends! 

If the view count graph is showing an upward trend, 

it means the content is consistently attracting people's interest. 

Clicking on the video provides a more detailed view count graph.

📍 Tip 3. In-stream ads and music streaming channels receive penalties! 

(Example of Music Streaming Channel)

To ensure more accurate content information, 

videos from in-stream ads and music channels receive a penalty in the algorithm score, 

marked as 'very low' and '0 points'

✅ What are in-stream ads? These are short ads that appear before or during video playback!

 What are music streaming channels? They are streaming channels automatically generated by YouTube!

Excuse me for a moment!

💡Q: Why is my video Algorithm score 0 even though it's neither an instream ad nor a music streaming channel? 💡

A: There are various reasons for a 0 Algorithm score. 

When likes or views are low compared to the channel's subscriber count 😅

when the subscriber count is less than 500, 

when the video has zero views

when it's a YouTube-generated music channel or video. 

These are the four factors.....

💡 Q: I received an Algorithm score 0 due tolow views/subscriber count... 💡

A: By using vling's AI YouTube Content Maker, 

you can understand and utilize the YouTube algorithm to create videos. 

This way, you can achieve higher Algorithm score than original a bit more easily!