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How to Grow Your Brand's Youtube Page of 100,000 Subscribers in 3 Months

vling Service

How to Grow Your Brand's Youtube Page of 100,000 Subscribers in 3 Months

In this piece, we will look at how to grow your brand’s YouTube page to 100,000 subscribers within 3 months organically.



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Getting people to watch YouTube videos isn’t too difficult especially if the content is relevant, but getting them to subscribe can be quite tough. Are you thinking about how to get people to subscribe to your YouTube page? Perhaps you have even spent money on ads and saw very few results and you feel it isn’t what you are meant for.

In this piece, we will look at how to grow your brand’s YouTube page to 100,000 subscribers within 3 months organically.Having such numbers on your YouTube page will do you and your brand a world of good in the short, medium and long term.

Why you aren’t getting people to subscribe on your page

Most YouTube pages stated are eventually abandoned largely because of poor traffic and a low number of subscribers. But why do most people enjoy little or no success with their YouTube pages? The main cause of low views and subscriptions on YouTube pages includes vague descriptions with titles that don’t clearly explain the expected outcome of the video. Other reasons include not retaining the attention of viewers, unattractive thumbnails and running a channel that is focused on too many things.

Tips for growing your brand’s YouTube channel numbers

YouTube channels don’t grow themselves, and you must work hard to grow them. Several ingredients are needed for growing a YouTube page, especially if you are aiming for big numbers. Here are some tips that should help your YouTube page gain traction and experience outstanding growth in numbers.

1. Optimize your channel’s home page 

You could get up to 400 more people subscribing to your Youtube channel from the homepage than through your videos. You could have dozens of videos with a clearly defined Call To Action(CTA) and still not get a reasonable number of subscribers. A quick look at your YouTube channel’s analytics will show you that many of your subscribers did so through your homepage. With this in mind, optimizing your YouTube channel's homepage becomes important.

To optimize your channel homepage effectively, you need to redesign the channel’s header image to get more people familiar with your brand’s name. Also, make sure the header image is clear, sharp and clearly explains what your brand is about. Your new channel header image should contain social proof, a real brand photo and clearly described content about your channel.

2. Come up with a strategy behind the channel trailer to catch new viewers

Your brand’s YouTube homepage will be viewed differently by different people. You should be dynamic in setting up the page, such as making only your channel’s non-subscribers see the channel trailer video while the subscribers see another thing. Note that your channel trailer will be seen only by people who are newly visiting the channel.

If you want to hook your audience, you could begin by talking about the audience as this will help you create a connection with them. Also, make sure you clearly describe your channel’s value, especially with regards to how it can help the viewer. The next thing to do is to introduce yourself and share some of your credibility with the audience with a focus on the reason they should trust the service you offer. Very importantly, push for people to subscribe to your video as soon as the video closes out.

3. Come up with an effective content strategy

In the field of marketing, there are what is known as vanity metrics which are basically numbers that look impressive but hardly matter. For instance, instead of focusing on Email subscribers, you should instead consider the click rate, open rate and the actual conversions. Also, instead of measuring success with the reach of your Facebook Ads, you should be more concerned uabout relevancy score, CTR and the CPC.

Also, while it may seem wonderful to record hundreds of thousands of views for your video, what really matters is the real watch time. Getting one person to watch 5 minutes of your video is better than getting 10 people to watch just 3 seconds of the video each. You should also be more concerned about retention as this will help your channel rapidly grow. The smartest way to achieve retention is to understand what really works in that regard.

4. Have a consistent posting schedule

Creating regular content for your YouTube page can be likened to the weekly episodes put out by TV companies. Doing this will make the content a part of the daily routine of the audience. If you want to grow your subscribers, ensure that they keep coming back to watch your latest videos.

You need to be consistent if you want to make reasonable progress on YouTube. The YouTube algorithm is designed to consider several data before it promotes any video to its users. There are two critical metrics YouTube considers as far as retention is concerned and they include Channels which have people viewing their sessions and those which has people coming back to watch.

5. Posting the right content

Another critical key to experiencing exponential growth in your YouTube numbers is by leveraging on relevant contents. Note that there are certain types of contents that encourages people to click on your page. Some of the best types of contents to consider include sharing your opinion on a subject, teaching something, reviewing topics and items, and telling a story.

One of the smartest ways to come up with content is to search for problems people are facing which your brand can solve and post contents about it. Make sure whatever content you are posting is fresh and creative so as to avoid churning out fluff.

6. Use the services of an agency

Agencies such as Vlingare skilled and equipped with the requisite knowledge for optimizing social media pages using some of the best strategies. By using such services, you will be achieving a lot in shorter time by leveraging on their experties. Before hiring such agencies, ensure you check out their track record and proposed strategy. You need to work with a team that can give you consistent, organic and sustainable results.

7. Use influencers

YouTube influencers are the bridge that connects your brand with potential patrons. Using influencers will help you experience higher clicks and views on your page. Usually, people tend to act based on recommendations of people they trust and this is where influencers come in. However, before engaging the services of an influencer, make sure your budget accommodates them.

Your proposed budget for an influencer will determine if you will be going for a big time influencer or a micro-influencer. Regardless of the choice you make, engaging the services of the right influencer will greatly improve your page performance and even see you gaining thousands of subscribers in a short time.

8. Get the viewers to come back

Currently, the YouTube algorithm makes it quite harder for people to come back to your page to view your new videos. Therefore, you shouldn’t only ask people to subscribe, you should also ask them to click on the notification bell so that they know when new contents come up. An easy way to do this is to inform the audience to turn on their notification bells early in the video because many people may not watch the video untill the end.

You should also use lead magnets which may get them on your email list as well. Replying to messages is another way to increase visits to your page.

Why does your brand need large YouTube numbers?

With billions of YouTube videos being watched daily, there is a high chance that your potential clients are among those numbers. The higher number of people who view and subscribe to your channel, the higher the possibility of getting quality leads which may translate to sales or patronage. The first major benefit of having thousands of people following your YouTube channel is that it increases your market reach. For instance, if you have 100,000 subscribers on your page and you get half a milion views on each video, and just 1000 of those viewers buying a product from you, this would be an outstanding result.

Additionally, having large YouTube subscribers gives your brand a socia media validation especially if people who have used your products or services drop reviews in the comment and review sections. Furthermore, having large number of subscribers means you don’t have to spend large amounts of money using mainstream media to communicate important updates and information to your audience.


YouTube is a game changer especially in the world of marketing because it opens up new doors of opportunities for small, medium and large enterprises to reach wider audiences. If leveraged correctly, YouTube can help your business experience tremendous growth and help you achieve your marketing objectives in little time. Many people avoid using YouTube for the brand because they feel it is quite difficult getting people to subscribe to their page.

However, with the right strategies, you can easily scale the numbers from zero to over a hundred thousands within three months. The journey to the first 100,000 subscribers on your YouTube page won’t be easy, but by consistently following this guide and leveraging on the expertise of influencer marketing agencies such as Vling, the sky is the starting point.