5 Reasons Why You Need To Start Marketing On YouTube

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5 Reasons Why You Need To Start Marketing On YouTube

In this article, we will dive deeper and discuss five reasons why you need to start marketing on YouTube today!



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Marketing on YouTube is an excellent way to connect with your audience. If you are a brand or business, it is an excellent way for you to promote your products and services to your potential customers. Do you know that YouTube is the second largest Social Media platform in the world, just behind Facebook? It was reported that there are more than 2.3 billion YouTube usersas of 2020, and this number is continuing to grow every year! 

Another interesting statistic relating to YouTube is that most of the YouTube users fall within the age range of 15-35 years old. This means that the audience demographic is still considerably young. Hence, if your brand’s product or services are more suited for a younger demographic, YouTube is a social media platform you must not miss! 

There are many ways you can market on YouTube, such as creating and posting videos on your own YouTube channel, collaborating with other YouTubers to promote your brand for you, or leveraging on their massive database and running YouTube ads campaigns to promote your products and services.

Regardless, marketing on YouTube will certainly give you the edge that will make you stand out from your competitors who aren’t already on this platform. It also creates the opportunity to connect and communicate with your target audience, amongst many other benefits. In this article, we will dive deeper and discuss five reasons why you need to start marketing on YouTube today!

1. YouTube Is The Second Largest Search Engine In The World

YouTube is the second-largest search engine worldwide, with billions of searches per month and billions of hours of video watched every day. They are just falling behind Google, which technically is the same company because YouTube is owned by Google. In fact, approximately 1 billion hoursof YouTube videos are being watched globally every single day! With YouTube hitting such massive numbers, it's no wonder that more creators are trying to get into the YouTube economy. At the same time, more brands are starting to market their products and services on YouTube.

One of the reasons why YouTube is so popular is because many of the people who use YouTube are there to look for some sort of solutions or answers to their problems, questions or issues that they are currently facing. They may not be exactly looking to find a product or service yet, but even so, it doesn’t mean that brands and businesses have little opportunity here. In fact, this is the best opportunity to capture the market because you can now capture interests from the target audience from various stages of the customer journey. Now, you have the chance to educate and engage your prospects early, nurture them and develop a closer relationship with them. Take advantage of the chance to showcase your expertise and knowledge to them, deliver value to them, impress them, and gain their trust first. That way, when it is time to provide your offer and close deals, it would be easy to convert them into paying customers.

2. YouTube Can Help You Reach Your Target Audience

YouTube is both a search engine and a social media platform as well. And because of this, YouTube can collect a lot of useful data about their users’ preferences, interests, behaviors etc. Basically, they know exactly what types of content each of their users like. In other words, it also means YouTube also knows what types of users will like your content! And because of this powerful enabler, YouTube can help you to deliver your message and reach your target audience more effectively.

When users key in their search terms on the YouTube search bar, the YouTube algorithm will search through billions of YouTube videos and bring up the most relevant videos that match the users’ search intent. This is how your content is being prioritized and shown to your target audience.

If you have a budget for paid advertising, you can leverage YouTube's massive user database and invest some advertising budget to run YouTube ads to promote your brand’s products and/or services directly to people who have a higher tendency to purchase your products and/or services. Furthermore, you will also be able to get data analytics reports that can help you evaluate the results of your YouTube ads campaigns. It can help you find out if the content was interesting enough to grab the viewers' attention long enough to watch all of it, and maybe even to share it with their friends or family members. This will enable you to discover which aspects of the whole ad campaign you have to focus on tweaking and improving, to improve the ROI of your marketing investment.

In short, it doesn’t matter whether you are trying to reach your target audience organically or via paid advertising methods, YouTube will be able to help you reach your target audience. 

3. YouTube Gives You A Place To Engage With Your Target Audience

Videos, if used correctly, can serve as a great tool for you to connect and communicate with your audience in a more personal and authentic manner as compared to traditional forms of marketing. As we all know, developing strong engagement with your target audience is one of the key ingredients in determining the success of your marketing campaigns. 

What’s good about YouTube is that it is not just a platform where you just post your videos to garner views. It also gives you a place for potential customers to hold conversations with you and gives you the chance to engage with them. For example, people who viewed your YouTube videos can leave comments in the “comments section” under each video. This allows you an opportunity to interact with your audience, and in the process, develop a certain level of rapport and trust. More importantly, when you can respond to your audience queries and answer their questions, you are able to further establish yourself as an expert and an authority in your field. 

Besides the videos’ comments section, YouTube can also provide many other ways for you to interact with and engage with your target audience. They have launched several new features, such as polls and quizzes that you can use to garner responses from them. You can take the chance to gather customer feedback. This can help you identify problems or areas where you can improve, to give them a more fulfilling experience. Another feature is the YouTube Shorts (#shorts) feature, which was launched around the end of 2020. Like Instagram Reels and TikTok, the selling point of YouTube Shorts is “quick entertainment”. It’s a new feature that allows creators to publish short-form videos for durations of up to 60 seconds. This feature is integrated within the YouTube app where users can view Shorts seamlessly along with other “normal” YouTube videos. YouTube Shorts also have like and dislike buttons, as well as a dedicated comment section. Introducing this feature attracts another new pool of audience (such as people who preferred watching short content, as opposed to the traditional long form YouTube videos), which wasn’t existent on YouTube prior. And because of the introduction of such new features, you have additional sub-avenues to engage new potential target audiences.

4. YouTube Can Help Establish You As An Authority

Posting YouTube videos that showcases your own unique point of view, or tips and techniques pertaining to topics within your niche can help to provide a sense of credibility, expertise, and position you as an authority in the field. When that happens, you will be able to gain the trust and confidence from your target audience more easily, which will help to make communication with them much easier and more seamless. This is especially the case for people who post video content such as tutorial videos, instructional videos, or tips and advice videos. Do you know that 96 percent of YouTube users rely on explainer-style videos to learn more about a product or service?

Also, consider creating videos based on the common questions or objections that your target audience will face. By doing so, you can educate them in the process and at the same time, subtly help them overcome objections and obstacles they may have. This helps to further solidify your posture as authority and establish your credibility.

5. YouTube Helps Support Your Other Marketing Efforts

By posting your videos on YouTube, you make these video content more easily available to your target audience outside of YouTube as well. You can post embedded links of your YouTube videos on your websites, blogs, Facebook posts, and even email newsletters. Take for example, instead of sending an email newsletter with a 200MB attachment of your latest video content, you can now just send a simple and lightweight email with an URL to your YouTube Video. This way, it prevents delivery failure because of situations such as your recipient not having enough inbox storage space. By doing so, you continue to attract your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with video content. 

Video marketing is something that cannot be overlooked. According to multiple studies, humans have a much shorter attention span as compared to decades ago. One study claimed that a typical human consuming information from the internet only has an attention span of 8.5 seconds. That is why it is beneficial for you when you start utilizing videos in your marketing efforts, as opposed to the more traditional forms such as a long form blog article, so that you can capture your audience’s attention more effectively.

As mentioned previously, posting videos on YouTube may also be able to help you establish yourself as an authority in your field. When someone outside of YouTube gets to know about your brand and checks out your YouTube channel, having an established YouTube channel will help to project an image of credibility and trust-worthiness for you, hence making it easier to convert them into your loyal followers.


When it comes to marketing your brand, there is no better place to do so than on YouTube. You can do so by either creating and posting your own videos on your own YouTube channel, asking other successful YouTubers to promote for you, or by investing some budget in running YouTube paid advertising campaigns. No matter the option, they will be able to bring benefits and help you further establish your brand. In any case, it seems that when you start marketing on YouTube, there are only benefits to gain and hardly much for you to lose. So, hesitate no more, start marketing on YouTube right now!