
Seven reasons why SMB’s can’t ignore effective YouTube Marketing

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Seven reasons why SMB’s can’t ignore effective YouTube Marketing

Tools such as social media are known to reach a large audience, but do they convert into viable leads? Such businesses often tabled several complaints, which makes one wonder the most effective ways to leverage social media.


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Many small and medium-scale businesses often wish they had better traffic to their websites, and this makes them deploy all possible strategies to see it fulfilled. Tools such as social media are known to reach a large audience, but do they convert into viable leads? Such businesses often tabled several complaints, which makes one wonder the most effective ways to leverage social media. 

The simple reality that seems to elude many small business owners is that there are many ways to post on social media and get better traffic to their businesses. One unique platform that seems to be constantly ignored in the drive for better traffic is YouTube. Most businesses shy away from producing videos, but a closer look at the rewards of using YouTube as a business growth accelerator should trigger a strong interest in YouTube. This article will explore seven reasons why every SMBs need effective YouTube marketing. 

What makes YouTube Marketing unique?

An appropriately crafted YouTube strategy may be all you need to boost your brand awareness. The good thing about YouTube is that it is a free platform to produce and post videos on a meager budget. More often than not, all you need to create suitable videos is a good smartphone and good lighting. If done the right way, YouTube marketing is a game-changer, and the right way often isn’t the hard way. 

Why do you need effective YouTube Marketing as an SMB

Are you still wondering why you need the proper YouTube marketing? Here we explore seven of the top reasons why you need it. 

I. Helps boost your Google Presence

There are currently over two billion registered users who visit YouTube monthly, with a large portion of the views coming from mobile devices. Many people do not realize that Google owns YouTube, making it even more imperative to leverage it. Regularly posting videos on your YouTube channel for your business can significantly boost your chances of appearing in relevant searches and seeing a boost in your SEO ranking. Google seems to prefer promoting SMBs that deploy multiple tools, and YouTube is one of such critical tools. 

II. Exposure to a large audience 

YouTube ranks as the second-largest search engine just behind Google (a sister platform), and despite the long-held belief that Google will witness a drop in value, it has only grown. More people seem to be registering on YouTube and streaming videos. One unique thing about YouTube is that the audience is wildly diverse. YouTube audiences cut across income levels, age, education, and other factors. This diversity means that you may likely get the desired audience with YouTube regardless of what your brand does. 

Also, promotional YouTube videos by influencers could help you organically grow the reach and acceptance of your product and brand. One of the most beautiful things about YouTube videos is that it remains on the platform for years, which means the marketing effect doesn’t stop when it gets posted.

III. Quality and Qualified Traffic

For SMBs, online and offline traffic is vital, but what is the value of traffic without the needed conversion? One of the first things you should know about online marketing is that not everyone will buy from you. Therefore, it becomes your job to develop a strategy to capture and retain a suitable clientele base. As beautiful as having two million may seem, it doesn't translate to needed sales. It would help if you were more concerned about getting qualified traffic to help your brand achieve its goals. 

A unique feature of YouTube is that they didn’t just stumble on your page when people come to your page. Anyone watching a video on YouTube probably searched using related keywords which reflected their interest in the service or product being discussed. With the right video content, you can capture the heart and minds of your audience and turn them into committed fans of your brand. One way to leverage your YouTube audience is to create contests and award your fans and followers with freebies. Ensure to ask your audience to sign up to your email list as a requisite to receiving their gifts. You can constantly reach out to them and turn them into loyal customers with their email data. 

IV. Videos possess a better conversion rate than other formats

Reading texts can be tedious, especially when marketing a not-so-exciting product. Research has, however, shown that people are 12 times more likely to watch a video than to read a text. Also, videos are easier to digest and comprehend than texts. With videos, you can easily convey needed emotions in a way that other platforms may not be able to do. Another outstanding benefit of using YouTube videos is that they can help give your brand a human side as people are more comfortable dealing with products and brands they can relate with. 

In summary, if your brand is looking to boost audience and scale in revenue, YouTube videos should be an integral component of your marketing strategy. 

V. You can leverage on YouTube Ads for broader reach

One of the unique tools that make YouTube exceptional is its advertising platform. Although this advanced advertising platform is a component of Google AdWords, it is not like traditional paid advertising. Leveraging organic traffic on YouTube can be a powerful tool, but paid traffic has the potential to boost your brand. Also, the social media space is becoming increasingly competitive, which is why you must be willing to pay to get ahead. 

Additionally, YouTube is the right platform for delivering your desired advertisement to a target audience, unlike other platforms that display adverts to a general audience. 

VI. YouTube videos do better at prompting people to take action

What you see has a more substantial effect on your mind and easily influences your decision. Contents with the call to action are a better deal, and videos have a more excellent call to action conversion ratio. Getting a lot of videos is good, but if the people viewing your content do not take the necessary action, it defeats its purpose. 

Studies have proven that videos can generate four times the regular call-to-action buttons. However, to optimize this advantage of videos, you should focus on creating quality content that will prompt the viewer into taking necessary action. 

VII. You can repurpose videos

Your YouTube page can do much more than you can imagine; it all goes beyond just posting content on the page. An outstanding feature of YouTube is sharing your content across several other platforms. It simply suffices to say that there are several ways you can use and repurpose the content created. Videos, by default, are capable of getting people’s attention, which leads to better engagement and traffic on all platforms you have a presence. 

You can quickly get better traffic to your YouTube page and other social media pages by repurposing the videos on your YouTube.

Which influencer marketing strategy is best for your SMB?

Several marketers deploy influencer marketing, but this doesn't mean you should follow their template. You need to consider a few things to ascertain if you are ready for influencer marketing. 

1. Are your other marketing channels optimized (PPC, SEO, email, and blogs)?

2.How flexible are your brand’s regulatory and legal controls over creativity?

3. What is the willingness of your creative team and brand to give control to an influencer?

If your answer to all of these is affirmative, it may be time for you to leverage YouTube influencer marketing.

Is YouTube a good idea for influencer marketing campaigns?

While YouTube seems to have amassed a large following and reputation, it remains one of the most underrated platforms out there. Currently, platforms such as Instagram seem to have better patronage in the influencer marketing sphere, which is perhaps why more marketers keep making the mistake of spending most of their budget there. The YouTube influencer marketing space is not as saturated as the Instagram space. 

Therefore, investing in the right content for the right content on YouTube boosts your chances of getting good returns on investment. However, it would help if you never forget that your audience is already tired of people trying to sell to them. For this reason, you must allow the influencers enough freedom to express their creative power. All you should do is make available whatever needed resources to create the best content. 

Start now!

In the world of influencer marketing, knowing what tools work best and learning how to leverage them can make a whole world of difference. There really are fewer easier ways to get your YouTube marketing done than with Vling. With Vling, you are guaranteed of premium insights and data required for optimizing your marketing campaigns. The Vling platformis well equipped to help help SMBs effectively strategize and perform their influencer marketing campaigns.

There has never been a better time to get involved in YouTube marketing for your SMB, and the better part of it all is that you don’t need to be an expert in maximizing it!