
How To Develop a Strategy for Your Digital Marketing Campaign

vling Trend

How To Develop a Strategy for Your Digital Marketing Campaign

A good strategy will involve several campaigns in several different media forms, working together to further your goals.


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Everyone knows by now that the most successful way to grow your business is by extending your reach digitally. How you go about doing that is where this idea starts to get complicated. Whether you have an outdated media strategy and you want to make your brand relevant to younger consumers or you are at the helm of a start-up and have no frame of reference at all, learning about digital media campaigns does not have to be as intimidating as it seems.

The first thing to do is to be aware of the different forms of digital media that exist out there. From there it is only a question of finding the ones that best suit your brand and company identity. After that you’ll need to shape up your plan of attack, your actual strategy, by putting to work a number of different, cooperating campaigns that are shaped by specific and attainable goals.

Forms of Digital Media

Email Campaigns- This is one you are most likely familiar with, no matter your background. With this plan, you reach out to potential and existing customers with emails detailing new products, services and special deals.

Optimization- Referred to as Search engine optimization or “SEO,” this approach is all about keywords. By using preferred terms, your websites can be picked up more frequently by search engine users. This can help get attention to your brand and build up traffic on your website.

Content marketing– This could be on any platform, it’s just referring to creating content that furthers your brand. Whether this is photography, videos or music is up to you.

Editorial Advertisements- With this method, you are presenting an advertisement that actually reads a lot like an article that would be featured on the website or journal you are using for exposure. It leads the viewer to consume your content without feeling like they are being attacked by blatant ads.

Click-Centered Advertising- Sometimes called pay-per-click advertising, this is the good old-fashioned kind of ad that creates revenue from the number of clicks made by any users.

Social Media Marketing– This is quickly becoming one of the most ubiquitous and effective forms of marketing. This includes Youtube ads, Instagram posts, Facebook content and anything else related to social media.


A good strategy will involve several campaigns in several different media forms, working together to further your goals.

Developing your Strategy

Speaking of goals, what are yours? Once you have an understanding of the different channels available to you, in order to choose the best ones you must have a clear understanding of how you want to move forward. Everyone wants to boost sales, everyone wants to be trending. But reaching those heights takes a deep understanding of your business, your products or services and the digital landscape out there waiting for you.

Researching…yourselves and others

To go forward, you may have to start by going into the past. Make sure to perform some analysis on your company’s performance. Look at growth since day 1, and also go over detailed information from the past year. Where are you getting exposure? What seasons or geographical areas work best for you?

Take this time to look at some of your competitors too. What channels are they using? What kind of goals are they hitting that you may want to implement for yourself? Taking a deep delve and doing some comparing and contrasting can help get you in the right mindset to succeed.

Looking out

Once you have examined your own inner workings, and those of others in your field, take a look at the public. A great approach to this is to build something known as a “buyer persona.” With this exercise, you create an example of your ideal customer. From all yoru analysis, you should have a pretty good idea who that is. It may even be several different sets of people, so detail them all.

You will want to start with an age, race, sex and location. But go further than that. A 26-year old lawyer from San Francisco and a 26-year old trucker from Atlanta may not have the same shopping list. Get serious and get specific about who it is you will be courting. Beyond demographics, you will want to know about the behavior and interests of these people. Look for any analytical tools that can help you pinpoint this kind of information.

Going for it

Now it is time to make some deals. Once you have an idea of who you want to reach and how you want to reach them, start securing some inroads in your different media forms. You will want to have a handle on what kind of content resonates with your customers, and how they are consuming it.

Reach out to a large number of influencers and content creators when you get to this step. You want to ensure you are giving yourself the best opportunity to make a connection. Try not to view one particular creator as your only choice. Use the data to compile a list of channels and influencers who get the clicks, likes and views that are interesting to you.

Make short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself moving forward. And this way, you can analyze as you go, which allows you to make adjustments as necessary. As we said, everyone wants to increase sales but, those who know what they are doing, will be going about that in a smart specific way. Have quarterly and yearly goals, but also keep track of your campaigns performances on a monthly, or even weekly, basis as well.

As you can see, with the right research, the perfect media outlets and a set of goals that make sense to you, expanding your business can easily be within your reach. Don’t let yourself be held back by the advertising strategies of the past, and don’t let yourself slip away in the avalanche of new businesses coming out everyday. Take control of your brand and your message, and set yourself up for a bright and successful new day.